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29/30 December 2007

So after the slabbing and building was washed out, dad came down and we sorted out some electrics instead. We had a bit of a false start, it turns out the ditcher we had booked at south nowra somehow turned into a cherry picker. Bozo's. So we told them to jam it, and went and found one from RentQuip in Gerringong, they were much more helpful.

We had decided the best option would be to run the power down the pole, then underground to a meter box at the top of the driveway. From there we'd run one circuit over to the house, and another down the hill to the shed. So we dug up the driveway and ran some conduits and wire down to the shed site. It was a bit of fun playing around on the Dingo. They're a bloody unstable thing they are! We got it all dug up, laid out and filled in again in one weekend thanks to the work put in by Dad, Trev and Denis. Thanks guys.

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5 January 2008

We thought Bill the concrete guy wouldn't be able to do the slab till late Jan, so when he rang and said he could box things up now we were very happy. Its all good to go now, we just have to see if we can book some concrete for the 12th. The tank site was also flattened off ready for Monday.

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7 January 2008

It was down to the block early on Monday to wait for the sand guy. He turned up and dump a 12 tonne load of sand on the tank site. Then I started to spread it out. What a bugger of a job that was. But I soon had some more troops there to help out. Ross the tank man, Carlyn and Trev soon turned up and we made short work of it.

Then Ross got down to it and 4 hours later we had the beaut looking tank ready to rock. Just need a load of agregate around the bottom of it, and then a bit of water in it to stop the liner moving around. We climbed in to check out the insides, was a good sauna in there.

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10 January 2008

We loaded up the Courier with a couple of 1 tonne loads of agregate for around the bottom of the tank. Who needs air suspension to make your ute look low! With the agregate around the base of the tank it was all done. The plastic and mesh are down for the shed slab, so its all ready to go on Saturday.

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12 January 2008

The shed slab was poured today. 8:30am the trucks started arriving. Took 4 of the little suckers to get the slab filled (12.8 cubic metres all up). There was a bit of extra concrete needed because of the bigger and more piers that we put in. But by just after lunch it was all done. The guys finished it off by hand using their metal trowels, and it came up really well, nice and smooth. It was a hot day too, so it went off fast. There was a big storm that night, but the slab was fine. The dirt around it was nice and soggy though. Bit more earthworks coming up.

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13 January 2008

Sunday dad came down and we did some more work on the meter box. Dad set the board up and I got to dig more dirt out around the pole and box post. We got the 2 lengths of cable into the flexy conduit ready for hooking up to the pole. Just a bit more tidying and the box will be ready to hook up to the power pole.

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16 January 2008

Trev was keen to make a start on the shed before school holidays finished. So we got southern cross garages to send it over. There's not much to it when its in pieces, looks like we pay a lot for all the air in the middle of it!

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20 January 2008

So with the shed delivered, Trev spent some time down there putting the portal frames together on the ground. Thanks to Carol and Corey for their help too. By the weekend we were ready to stand them all up. But then Saturday it rained all day. So Sunday was it. Trev and I borrowed Glens crane thing that he'd built for putting his shed up, and boy was it handy. It meant the 2 of us could get the frames up easily. I say easily, this was after we'd broken ropes twice and dropped the frame a couple of times. We'd gotten the chain, but then made it too long to get the frame all the way up. We did that twice!

But after the struggle with the first frame the second one was a breeze. After lunch we added the end wall mullions, and then set about squaring up the frame and adding the wall girts and roof purlins to this first section to make it all nice and sturdy. There was a southerly change due, so we didn't want to see it all back on the ground again the next day!

The verdict at the end of the day. Its...ummmm...big! Its a bit taller than I was expecting. I might have been able to get away with 2.4m side walls instead of 3m. Oh well, now I should have room in the middle bay for a hoist!

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