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11 November 2009
I mowed the grass again last night and today. I love how it looks when its freshly cut.
14/15 November 2009
Trev and I managed to find a spare weekend, so he brought the tractor down so we could stick the absorption trenches in. We used his little setup to get the pipe just under the ground, and then hooked all up. I need to sort out some pits for the filters and the switch, and get some fittings to hook the hose up to the tank. I should get it inspected first too.
16/17/18 November 2009
Started work on getting a bit of a garden together at the front of the house. We got a load of hardwood sleepers and I got to piecing something together. Kind of just making it all up as I went along.
More septic setup.
21/22 November 2009
It was time to start sorting out the baordwalk along the back of the house. Dad had taken a couple of days off and was down for a long weekend. The first 2 days we spent digging, shovelling, and wheel barrowing a hell of a lot of dirt out. We managed to fill in a lot behind the blocks. All this was done in 40 degree temperatures. It was a damn hot weekend. But by Sunday afternoon it looked like we were making progress.
23/24 November 2009
Monday morning I got to sticking the posts onto their feet. We'd glued the based down yesterday evening, and then this morning I drilled into the concrete and bolted them on, and also screwed the post to the feet, and the tops to the posts. Then we set up the little verandah feet onto some joists, got them all level and concreted them in. And of course it rained again, turning the ground into a big sloppy mess. By the Tuesday afternoon we had the bearers on and some joists on too. We ran out of time to get any boards on, so we chucked some left over floor sheets on for now.
25 November 2009
At the same time I've been trying to get this front garden done too. Made some more progress on it. Got some posts in so I can concrete them in to stop the thing moving.
5 December 2009
Got the finishing touches on the garden. Its all done and I cleaned up around the holes for some concrete. It needs a bit of digging out to make it deeper, but after concrete she should be ready to go.
6 December 2009
Today I got the rest of the bearers on and stuck a heap more joists in on the back deck. Still a couple more to do but I need to sort out the drain at the bottom while I can still get to it. And this morning mum and I got the mirror hung up in the bathroom too. Fingers crossed it stays there, its a heavy bugger and the hangers just make me a bit nervous.
22 December 2009
The other weekend I fixed up the rust on the footplates of the lawnmower while the deck was off. I'd stretched the belt a few days before, stranding the thing down the paddock. We loaded into the ute and took it up to the hoist in Trevs shed to stick a new belt on it. But before it all went back together I thought I'd clean the rust up. We got our Christmas present a bit early too, got a whipper snipper. I reckon it'll get a good bit of a workout too, hope its up to the job. And when mum was down last weekend she bought us a few trees for Christmas presents so I went and planted the lime and mandarin trees down the paddock. Hopefully they shoot up and don't get eaten by all the wildlife.
23 December 2009
Took some time this afternoon to mix up some concrete and stick it in the holes for the garden posts. She's all done now and ready to start loading up.
24 December 2009
Over the last couple of weeks I've been down in the shed most evenings sorting out a swing set for the kids for Christmas. Trev came down today to help me get all the bits of the jigsaw together. MAybe I should have made it out of something other than hardwood, it weighs a ton! It all went together well. In the afternoon I gave it a sand and a coat of decking oil. And then in the evening I managed to get the swings attached.
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